Known as a very powerful protective and grounding crystal, Black Tourmaline protects against all negative energy and thoughts. Therefore it has the ability to heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It is the most common stone used for relief of stress and anxiety as it releases a sense of comfort, ease and positivity. Use in meditation and healing to enhance your bodies energy flow.
The Clear Quartz inclusions will manifest your intentions and illuminate the spirit. It is widely known as the 'master healer' because it is the most powerful healing and energy enhancing crystal. Not only does Clear Quartz balance the chakras, it also cleanses the aura and releases any energy blockages by absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating the energy flow.
Tourmaline Quartz is a supercharged crystal of balance, growth and emotional support and is perfect to work with to support you when you feel triggered; when something traumatic from your past is reactivated.
Black Tourmaline & Clear Quartz
ORIGIN: Trial Harbour, West Coast of Tasmania
SIZE: 7cm x 7cm (approximate measurements)
WEIGHT: 337g